Despite the stories of murder, prostitution and robbery, there were also quite a few religious centers in Skagway in the 1890’s. Here is a list:
Fathers Tosi, Robaut, Seghers, Gougis, Rene of the Catholic Church
Rev. C.J. Larsen of the Norwegian Danish Methodist Church
Rev.’s Young, Dickey, Grant, Thwing, Pringle, Sinclair, Turkington, Cock of the Presbyterian Church
Bishop Bompas and Rev.’s Ridley and Rev. Richard John Bowen of the Anglican Church
Rev.’s Lyon, Carter, Howard, Cameron, Stuck, and Wooden of the Episcopalian Church
Ministers Dowell, McGill, Ellery, Kenny, Aitken, Ross and Booth of the Salvation Army
Rev.’s Jorden, Latourette, and Clevinger of the Baptist Church
Rev.’s Ulery, Kline, Tooley, Yorba, Barnett of Peniel Mission
Rev.’s Leach and Yokum of the American Episcopal
Missionaries Mr & Mrs White in Dyea in 1888
Independent Preachers Green, Williams, Mortimer, Gardiner, Sehlbrede, Leaman, Wright, Kiernoff, Warrens, Weavers, Rega, and Tourney.
I have found no reference to synagogues or Buddhist centers, but who knows?
Hope I haven’t missed any! I have written blogs on several people, but some disappear after the gold rush. I am reminded of Ray McKinnon’s wonderful portrayal of the real Rev. Henry Smith in the HBO series Deadwood, seen above.
many sources