Sophie Fincke was born on this day, March 2, 1861 in Germany. She came to Skagway and married Phillip Sydney Keith on March 12, 1900 here in Skagway. She is known to have been a “matchmaker” having brought together Antoinette and Peter Edward Kern in 1902 here in Skagway. Seen above is the wedding photo – probably at Moore’s home. Mrs. Keith is sitting to the right of the bride with a big grin on her face.
The Keith’s moved to Dawson where Sophie had a son named Elmo. They moved to Fairbanks but Elmo died there at the age of 11. Sophie died in 1937 at the age of 76.
AK Archives photos of Moore collection; familysearch
How high were the ceilings! How big was that door!
Yikes! They be giants!